Reboot loading...
With the new season in our lives (more on that later), it’s time to reactivate this site. Circumstantially not ideal; some of you may know that has been offline for the past couple of months. Apparently, the web host “accidentally” deleted this site. Odd much?
It’s such a pity, at least to me.
Before I forget, hello everyone! My name is Shane :) Ken and I met through this blog, me as a reader and him the joker of an author which was a source of destress since uni days. Cliche, very indeed!
If this is your first time here, here’s a quick introduction! We are newly minted parents to a 3 month old beautiful baby. A gift of life after months and years of waiting.
As of now, we’re not quite sure what the direction of this blog will be. Parenting? Leisure? Travel? Comedy of current affairs? Let us know if you have a preference.
Today, let’s take a walk down memory lane.
2012 - the year this blog was on a gradual trend of inactivityWe got acquainted in late 2011 and in January/ February 2012, Ken asked for a favour as part of his blog's Valentines Day content. We went to a Mexican restaurant in Jaya One and enacted scenes of How to Suck at a Date :D
This was possibly when sparks started flying... and the rest is history!
You may be wondering what about this site that kept me coming back to cope with the ACCA stress. Two things - the humour and photoshop skills. Case in point -
You've gots to say this is damn good a photoshop! One of kenwooi's obscene yet comedic content. Also, is it just me or the word "camwhore" has a rude ring to it? Must be my age talking... That rempit vibes once upon a time One for his many advertorials for Samsung and me behind the camera Can't recall what was the content about but likely a meme. Wonder if it scared the shit out of him already? HahaThat's all for the short and sweet recap to reboot this site. We're also on YouTube and this is what we've been up to of late! :)
Now, where's ma money? :P
Hope to see you guys in the next post!
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